General Settings
- Allow Unix Filenames: This will purge invalid Unix/Linux characters from export file names.
- Wrap Long Descriptions: If the description is longer than the Max Description Length specified below, text or comment lines will be created until the description is fully accounted for.
- Max Description Length: 80
Export Settings
- Export File Format: RFMS
- Export Adapter: None. The user will have to manually download the "Processed File" to the folder that RFMS can import from.
Module Settings
- There must be a valid special order SKU entered.
- Phrase mapping may required for the styles and options coming from your 2020 design catalogs. Please contact Saberis Support for more information.
RFMS can provide an import utility in order to process Saberis export files into their system. At this time, this integration is specific to 2020 Kitchen Design vendor files.
Once you have downloaded your processed file from the Saberis Document List page, you can open the RFMS Importer and follow these steps:
- Select the order type (order/quote/bid) from the drop down available under "Generate", which is located in the top right corner of the importer application.
- Select the store code from the drop down available in the top left corner of the importer app. The list is pulled directly from RFMS based on locations that are available for importing.
- Select "File > Open" to locate the file to be imported. Information will populate based on the file contents.
- Select the supplier who is manufacturing the cabinets (top right corner of the window, below "generate").
- Click in the section for "Sold to" in order to populate the customer information for the "sold to" and "shop to" fields. A search button is available to pull the information from the RFMS software.
- Once all values have been entered, click the "generate" button on the left side below the "sold to" information and above the item information. An order number will appear in the top left corner of the app, above the store number.
- Open RFMS to complete your order entry.