What's New

Saberis Connect New User Interface
At Saberis, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our service to you. One of the initiatives underway is a redesign of our Saberis Connect website, where users log in to process documents and administrators can maintain users and settings. Some of these changes will come later in the year, but the first update has just arrived!
Here are some of the changes you will see with this update:

1. Separate button for a "quick upload" of a document (ex. When you’re on a different page than the document list)
2. Document Status and Export Status column have been combined into one “Status” column
3. Click on a row (other than buttons/hyperlinks) to expand the view of the row for more details
4. New icons to download or to reprocess the processed file
5. New icon to resend a processed file
Module settings can now also be accessed via hyperlink through Account Admin.

Some sections have been condensed or reorganized, such as the General and Export settings.

And lastly, many of the module settings categories have been compounded to keep things clean and readable.
For more information on new changes to the Saberis sites, feel free to reach out at support@saberis.com